
Lebel Auction

html/css/react js

a landing page for a auction company

sforza gym

html/css/react js

a webpage for a local gym

Simon Game

html5 canvas/css/javascript/

A project from FCC

Tic Tac Toe

html5 canvas/css/javascript/

A project from FCC


html/css/javascript/animate cc

A project from FCC



A project from FCC, I love how I design it

Typing speed test


A project that I did for fun, for the purpose of practicing javascript.

Wiki search


This is anther project from FreeCode Camp, it´s a wiki search app that require using media wiki API to get the wikipedia page

local weather


This is anther project from FreeCode Camp, it´s an web app that require using API to get the current weather

quote generator


This is a project from FreeCode Camp, and I really love how the project turns out. I´ve applied AJAX and JSON to this project

trip countdown


This is a project for my trip to china, I´m going back to Chong Qing, china in septembre, I create this little web App to remind me